Craiglist Poster

Must have some experience with posting classified ads on craigslist. Will provide original copy and several certified accounts. You simply go to craigslist 3 times per day and post a new ad and delete an old ad. Fairly easy job, but its repetitive.

Great as a second job or part time work. May expand to full time work over time. Expect 20 hours first week to learn the job. then goes to 10 hours per week thereafter. Must be able to cut-copy-paste and write English proficiently.

Apply to our email. No College required, just computer and ability to work a few hours per day

Date: 20 February 2009
City/Town: Any
Location: Nationwide
Wage/Salary: 6000
Start: 2/21/09
Duration: 90 days
Type: Part Time, Home Based
How to apply: gmail
Company: ReplaceMyself
Contact: Damon
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